Thursday 14 August 2008

-How did you find out you were coming to the UK?

My friends were planning to go abroad, and I heard that plan, I told my mother that I wanted to go abroad. Then my parents allowed me to go, and gave me the cost for this learning course as a 20th birthday present.

-What did you think Britain would be like?

I have a friend who lived Britain before, and he sometimes told me about Britain. For example, “Britain has many people of all nationalities.”, “British dishes are said not nice, but it actually is very nice.” and so on. Therefore I thought about Britain like him.

-Why did you come?

The one reason is I’m not good at English, so I came here in order to improve my English ability. The other is I thought it was a good opportunity for me to touch to other culture, and it was interesting for me, so I came here.

-What happened the day you left?

In airport, I talked with my parents on the cell phone. And I split up with my boyfriend there. I was excited, but I felt a little bit loneliness.

-What was your old home like?

I lived at a flat in Tokyo, Japan. The kitchen was very small, so I want a big one… :(


leon said...

i don't know what can i say ..

ayaka said...

thanks your comment♡ :)
excuse me but what dose walking mean?
Saki and I are wondering..